
Modular tools for transformational IT

More automation, less manual work.

You have a lot of data, and it is hard to know what to do with it all. Not only is it hard to know where to start but trying to manually categorize everything is just too time-consuming and expensive.  Feith Auto-Categorizer takes the pain out of records management by automatically categorizing your documents for you.

Using powerful rules, workflows, and AI text analysis, this proprietary software tool can read and categorize documents without human intervention. Feith not only saves you time and money but also ensures that your records are properly classified and stored in accordance with regulations.

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The Market-Leading Records Categorizer

Today, almost every organization is struggling with the problem of data overload. The goal of Records Management (RM) is to ensure the efficient and effective handling of records throughout their life cycle, but this becomes increasingly difficult when you have too much data to deal with.

This is where Feith Auto-Categorizer comes in.

Using advanced statistical modeling to read and categorize documents automatically, Auto-Categorizer solves the problem of data overload by leveraging the power of the Feith Platform.  Feith evaluates, categorizes, and processes all your documents and email, along with their associated metadata without user interaction.

Assisting the organization

Automatically categorizing your records with Feith improves efficiency, reduces costs, and provides better compliance with regulations. Automated categorization can save organizations time and money by reducing the need for manual sorting and categorization of records. Auto-Categorizer also enables better organizational oversight by providing an accurate record of their categorization process.


Benefits of Automatic Categorization
Saves Time Spent Sorting Through Unorganized Data

Make sense of your unstructured content, documents, email, and data, so automated retention is possible.

Help Ensure Compliance with Regulations

Apply document and user permission controls based on the category, content, and metadata of your records.

Become compliant with Record Retention rules faster, with lower costs, and eliminate human error.

Facilitate Better Information Governance

Enterprise Information Governance is impossible when you don’t know what you have and where you have it.

Enhance Data Discovery & Retrieval

Categorizing records makes it simple to integrate them into structured discovery processes and other workflows.

Leverage cutting-edge technology to know what’s in your records, and where they live in your repositories.

Categorization of Records

A record’s categorization is based on its structured (metadata) and unstructured (full-text) content. Within Feith’s RMA iQ solution, declaration and categorization may occur along a level-of-difficulty spectrum ranging from automatic to manual.

↳  Manual –  Users can manually categorize selected records by choosing from a dropdown list. This is ideal for one-off records, which are unusual, and do not lend themselves well to methods of categorization automation.

↳  Semi-Automatic –  This capability allows the system to automatically categorize records based on their file location. Users apply a category to a directory structure, which will automatically categorize any records which live in that folder. For example, to categorize documents as 1099’s, the Records Manager will categorize the established 1099 location.

↳  Automatic Rule-Based – Feith’s Auto-Categorizer supplies the power to automate the categorization of essential and non-essential records using a document’s metadata, full-text, and business rules.  Examples of metadata include items such as recipient and sender in an email, document creation date, or document properties. Given imprecise, but consistent information, Auto-Categorizer is an intelligent system for record categorization that uses a web-based rule designer. Auto-Categorizer recognizes similar records as defined in the interface or learned during day forward analysis. 

↳  Automatic AI – If the system cannot automatically place a record into a category using location, content, or metadata rules, it will utilize a form of artificial intelligence (AI) called Natural Language Processing to make recommendations about the record category. The Records Manager will be provided with a list of documents that do not yet have categories. Alongside each document will be a predicted category, with a percentage that represents the confidence in that prediction. The Records Manager can apply the recommended category and use this as guidance for developing new or improved rules to automatically categorize similar documents in the future. For highly confident matches (above a predetermined confidence level), the system can automatically apply the category.