Modular tools for transformational IT

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Streamline the end-to-end FOIA process

What is FOIA Manager?
FOIA Manager is a software product that helps government agencies manage requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The product includes features for tracking and responding to requests, as well as managing records subject to disclosure.

FOIA Manager can help agencies respond to requests in a timely manner, as well as find and handle records subject to disclosure. The product includes features for creating and managing request queues, assigning requests to specific users or groups, and generating reports on request activity. Additionally, FOIA Manager can help agencies maintain an audit trail of all actions taken in response to a request.

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Six major FOIA efficiencies

Features for FOIA success
↳ Keep your organization’s confidential data safe.

↳ Streamline the FOIA process for faster response times.

↳ Access a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.

↳ Store all your FOIA correspondence in one place.

↳ Generate detailed reports on request status and compliance.

↳ Set up automatic reminders for tasks and follow-up actions.

↳ Archive completed FOIA requests for future reference.

Features for Mission Success
Process Automation
↳ Create automated workflows to manage repetitive tasks throughout the FOIA lifecycle. Route documents, notifications, and approvals without human intervention.
Centralized Structure
↳ Manage FOIA requests in a Private, Single-Tenant environment. Collect, review, and package in the same system without sifting and sorting through siloed apps.
Connectors & Integration
↳ Interface with federal, agency, and open-source data repositories using out-of-the-box APIs or create a connector with Feith’s low-code API builder.
Powerful Search
↳ Feith’s search bar can find exact words or phrases in text, search by metadata, and save common searches. Find every record needed during Discovery via a single search bar.
Public Facing Portal
↳ Collect requests through a secure and public facing request form. Or configure the solution for an external interface to facilitate customer FOIA request submissions.
Collaboration Tools
↳ Share files, work on the same cases folders together, send notifications, leave notes, and more. Administrators can task officers or groups directly from FOIA Manager.
Redaction capabilities
↳ “Burn in” box redactions, free-form shape redactions, and full-page redactions to remove sensitive information without utilizing external applications.
Security Controls
↳ Enforce security from request to delivery through security-first tools such as Access controls, Authentication, Authorization, Encryption modules, and audit logs.
Records Management
↳ DoD 5015.02 for FOIA and Classified. Manage FOIA records for their lifecycle. Capture, apply retention, follow record lifecycles, and disposition/transfer when the time comes.
Reports & Dashboards
↳ Make informed decisions with the help of analytics tools like reports and dashboards. Monitor response activities, visualize KPI’s, and check the status of cases and processes.