
Modular tools for transformational IT

The Feith Declassification Manager (FDM) streamlines an organization’s compliance with Executive Order 13526. The program automates and expedites the entire declassification procedure while ensuring that all records are adequately reviewed, thus saving time and money.

FDM ensures your agency’s compliance with declassification rules and presidential orders. The system provides a comprehensive end-to-end structure for your declassification procedure, complete with quality control measures to guarantee accuracy and completeness.

FDM lets you meet automatic declassification deadlines by tasking records declassification at 25, 50, and 75 years in accordance with your declassification guidebook, as well as allowing you to redact or downgrade records on an ad hoc basis.


Feith Declassification Manager allows your agency to do the following

It is my view that deficiencies in the current classification system undermine our national security, as well as critical democratic objectives, by impeding our ability to share information in a timely manner.
↳   Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines.

“Vast Troves of Classified Info Undermine National Security, Spy Chief Says”, Wall Street Journal

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Support automatic and manual declassification

The FDM modernizes and digitalizes the declassification workflow.  The DoD 5015.02 Certified for Classified system includes support for electronic records, such as emails, chats, and documents from file shares or SharePoint, as well as legacy systems.

The FDM speeds up your declassification procedure by integrating with existing software and databases. The system can connect to your email server to automatically ingest emails for declassification and review. The FDM can also interface with your SharePoint environment to identify documents that need to be declassified.


The Executive Order 13526, “Classified National Security Information,” specifies that an automatic declassification review is necessary 25 years after classification, and 75 years if previously exempted. According to the security classification procedures, anything with a classification date prior to 25 years enters into the declassification queue.


For one-time declassification projects, users action officers create a case where stakeholders can collaborate and assign tasks to specific individuals. These workers then redact information, make notes, and exemptions in the same way as they would for an automatic declassification task.


Key benefits of Feith Declassification Manager
Streamline Declassification

Automatically adding records to the declassification queue and assigning them to the Declassification Review Manager makes it simpler to keep track of what needs to be declassified and when.


Provides a timeline of each record’s status through the declassification process, as well as reports on the progress of the declassification program.

Referrals & Consultations

In the case of external agency equities during the declassification review process, Feith offers the ability to refer portions of a classified document to outside entities for their concurrence prior to certifying the declassification review.

Quality Control

Ensure the safety of your material by implementing quality control measures throughout the declassification process.

Audit Trail

All system activities, including changes and updates in a document’s status or modify notifications, create audit table entries. Ensure your declassification process is defensible and accountable

Reason Codes

Reason codes are used to identify exempt information and construct an exemption index. The exemption index is built automatically by consulting reason codes for each exemption.

Redact from Browser

In the browser, redact pictures and text digitally, with a variety of functions for detecting and eradicating words or phrases automatically. Remove banner markings from declassified papers.

Automate Exemption

Automatically highlight terms that would exempt a record from Automatic Declassification based on your agency’ declassification guide.

How it works


Using Feith’s DRS

Keep the right eyes on the right information

↳ Gain actionable insight via intuitive, real-time dashboards and analytics

↳ Standard & customizable audit reports, with detailed metric data

↳ Produce final PDFs suitable for publication or dissemination under subpoena

↳ Analyst review and approval workflows, with validation and verification

↳ Automatic Boolean and Bayesian document categorization

↳ Easily find typos and routinely misspelled words

↳ Search and highlight hits across all text, including in email attachments and images

↳ Batch and high-speed scanning, with automatic indexing, OCR, and de-duplication


↳ Sophisticated security access levels and permissions

↳  Universal digital content output mechanism for common format exporting

↳ Robust declassification dashboards and reporting

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NARA Accession

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is responsible for the preservation and dissemination of Federal records. NARA accepts Presidential, Legislative, and Judicial records that have permanent legal or historical value.

Package Requirements

To ensure the integrity of the classification system, NARA requires a transfer package for all accessioned or declassified records. The package must include a certification that the records have been reviewed and declassified in accordance with current executive order and procedures.

Package Deliverable

Feith’s classification system will generate a PDF or TIFF of the declassified document, with an XML metadata file, which can be exported and transferred to NARA. The system will generate a package including the certification letter, XML metadata file, PDFa or TIFF of the declassified document, and any associated exemption information. This package is now available for release by the Records Manager.