
Modular tools for transformational IT


Streamline Every Phase of the Discovery Process

Capture, review, organize, search, track, redact, produce, and access documents

E-discovery can be a complex and costly process, but it is necessary to comply with the law and protect your organization’s interests. Feith Systems’ e-discovery software can help you streamline the e-discovery process, saving you time and money.

FOIA and PA requests, Legal issues, and compliance concerns provide a unique challenge to eDiscovery and electronic record searches.

Feith’s platform provides the tools to find all relevant information for a FOIA case means agencies need a system that captures all the appropriate information in accordance with federal standards.

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Fostering discovery efficiency
Feith Systems’ e-discovery software can help reduce the time it takes to gather and review ESI, saving you time and money.

The software includes features that will make the process easier for you and your team. For example, the software includes powerful data discovery search functionality that allows you to quickly identify and locate relevant ESI.

Feith’s e-discovery software includes an “advanced search” feature that enables users to locate relevant ESI. The advanced search feature includes a number of powerful search options, such as Boolean searches, proximity searches, and concept searches. These options will help you narrow your search results and find the information you need. The software also includes tools for reviewing and analyzing ESI, as well as for preparing documents for production.

Ingest and analyze:

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Ensure the safety and confidentiality of proprietary data

Feith gives you the ability to set access privileges at the object, file cabinet, or individual level so that only authorized users can access sensitive data.

Bates stamping

The FDD Bates Stamper reduces the costs associated with litigation discovery.

Bates stamping is a process of numbering documents to keep track of them. Feith’s e-discovery software includes a “bates stamping” feature that allows you to number your documents. The bates stamping feature includes options such as the ability to start numbering at a specific number, the ability to add prefixes and suffixes, and the ability to number documents in order.

Production support

Integrations with Feith Case Manager make production simple.

Once you have reviewed and analyzed your ESI, you will need to prepare it for production. The Feith Platform includes a number of features that will make the production process easier for you and your team. For example, the software includes a “document production” feature that allows you to quickly and easily prepare a redactable release package.