
Ensuring Utilities, Nuclear, Oil and Gas Records are compliantly administered.

Enforcing Information Compliance

The energy industry is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the world, with numerous federal, state, and local regulations governing every aspect of operations. This regulatory environment creates a significant challenge for companies when it comes to maintaining compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. One critical area where companies must be especially diligent is in the management of their records.

Because of the ever-changing nature of the energy industry landscape,companies need to have a robust records management program in place that can adapt to new requirements as they arise. Feith Systems understands the unique challenges faced by energy companies when it comes to records management and has developed a comprehensive solution that helps organizations meet their compliance obligations while also improving operational efficiencies.

Improving Process Efficiency

Feith Systems designs its Document Management Systems (DMS) to meet the unique needs of the energy industry. We also offer a range of features that allow our clients to adapt their document management systems as their business needs change. Our workflow automation and tracking tools help energy companies to optimize their operations and improve efficiency.

One of the main benefits of using Feith DMS for energy companies is that they are flexible and adaptable to changing business needs. The Feith team can customize its systems to meet the specific needs of each company, and offers a range of features that allow businesses to adapt their systems as their needs change. This flexibility helps energy companies to stay agile and respond quickly to changes in the industry.

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Your security-first centralized archive and automation platform

Feith allows you to centralize assets, like engineering documents, in a single searchable repository.
Single Source of Truth:  The first step in implementing an effective document and records management system is to centralize your energy company’s records in one platform. This will make it easier to track and manage documents as they move through your organization. It will also help you to keep track of who has access to which documents.

Compliance Control:  Feith helps energy companies to improve compliance with industry regulations. Our experts have designed systems to meet the specific needs of the energy industry, and we offer a range of features that allow businesses to adapt their systems as their needs change. This flexibility helps energy companies to stay agile and respond quickly to changes in the industry.

Digitalization: Digital document storage is a great way to reduce paper clutter and save space. Feith DMS stores all documents in a digital format, which makes them easy to access and reduces the need for physical storage space. This can be especially beneficial for energy companies that have a large number of documents to manage.

The Energy industry is under constant attack from a variety of cyber threats. To protect your organization’s data, you must have a comprehensive security strategy in place.

The Feith team has hardened its solutions with installations in the DoD and US Intelligence Community where security is paramount. RBAC / ABAC user permissions, data encryption at rest and in transit, complete activity logging, single-tenant systems, and security features like two-factor authentication are just a few of the ways we keep your data safe.

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Power and Utilities

Feith offers a complete suite of software solutions and services for Records Management, Enterprise Content Management, and Business Process Automation to the Power & Utilities industry.

Large and complicated activities must be managed by companies in the power and utilities sector while assuring legal compliance, security, and safety. They must also maintain accurate records of their activities for reporting purposes. The Feith solution helps these organizations to optimize their business processes, manage their content effectively, and automate their recordkeeping tasks.

The Power and Utilities industry faces unique challenges when it comes to Records Management, Enterprise Content Management, and Business Process Automation. These challenges include:
  • Ensuring regulatory compliance: Organizations in the Power and Utilities industry are subject to a variety of regulations, including those from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), and state public utility commissions. Feith’s software solutions help these organizations to meet their compliance obligations by providing them with the tools they need to manage their records and content effectively and automate their business processes.
  • Managing large and complex operations: Power and Utility companies must manage large and complex operations, often across multiple locations. Feith’s software solutions help these organizations to manage their records and content effectively across their enterprise, automate their business processes, and improve operational efficiency.
  • Ensuring safety and security: The Power and Utilities industry is critical to the nation’s infrastructure, and ensuring the safety and security of operations is of paramount importance. Feith’s software solutions help these organizations to manage their records and content effectively, automate their business processes, and improve safety and security.

Feith is web-based and can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. It is also available as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution.

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Oil and Gas

The oil and gas industry is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the world. Managing records in this industry can be a complex and daunting task.


The oil and gas industry is a complex and ever-changing sector with a need for comprehensive and efficient records management. Feith Systems provides the most complete, flexible, and user-friendly solution for managing critical operations data within this demanding environment.


The Feith solution for the oil and gas industry is comprised of our unified platform, complete with workflow, imaging, and business intelligence modules. This allows your organization to take full control of its record-keeping processes while still providing quick and easy access to the data that is so critical to your operations.


Our workflow module gives you the ability to automate and streamline your records management processes, ensuring that the solution captures all data accurately and completely.


The imaging module provides instant access to documents and images from anywhere in the world, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. And our business intelligence module provides comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities that give you visibility into every aspect of your record-keeping operation.

With our Oil and Gas Records Management System (OGRM), you can be confident that your organization will have the ability to:
  • Access critical data quickly and easily
  • Maintain compliance with regulations
  • Improve operational efficiency
  • Save time and money
The Feith team designed the OGRM system  to meet the specific needs of the oil and gas industry, including:
  • Tracking well records throughout the drilling process – from permit application to production reports
  • Storing and managing large volumes of geospatial data
  • Integrating with Lat-Long data for visual data analysis
  • Capturing, storing, and managing production data from multiple sources
  • Providing comprehensive security and access control features