Enterprise Content Services

Modular tools for transformational IT

Managing and organizing your company’s content can be a daunting task.
Do you know where your content is located?  How do you keep your information secure?  Can you find what you’re looking for quickly?  Is your content getting put to use making you more efficient?

With so many different types of content – from text documents to images, videos, and spreadsheets – it can be hard to keep track of it all.  Content siloes are a mess, users are putting documents anywhere and everywhere. It’s increasingly difficult to find the right piece of content when you need it. Your business is losing efficiency.    

Feith is the answer. With Feith, all of your company’s content can be stored in one central repository. This makes it easy to find and retrieve any piece of content, no matter where it is located.   And with your content in one place and organzied, it can now be used in workflows, your business can become more efficient by automating tasks that previously required manual effort. 

The Feith platform was designed from the ground up to be the most user-friendly and intuitive ECM system on the market. We make it easy to store, find, and use your content to improve your operations. And because our platform is built on the latest web technologies, you can be sure that Feith will always be up-to-date with the latest features and security enhancements.

What is the Feith Platform?

The Feith Platform is a set of tools to manage digital content in a centralized, unified manner. It allows you to store, organize, and share your content across different devices and platforms. Additionally, it provides security and control over how your content is used and accessed. 

With Feith, you can work with any type of digital content, including text, images, video, and audio. This flexibility makes it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes. Feith can help you improve your content management process by making it more efficient and effective. 

It can also help you save time and money by reducing the need for duplicate content. Additionally, Feith can help you reduce the risk of data loss by providing a central repository for your content.


Your content come to life.  That’s Feith.
Store, Share, and Control Your Organization’s Content

Your electronic content, information, documents, files, and emails stored centrally in one system, available for collaboration, searchable, available from any location, unerringly secure, but simply distributed.

The Feith Platform provides everything you need to manage your digital content throughout its lifecycle. Check-in, check-out, versioning, annotations, event triggers, and approvals all come standard with the Feith Platform. But that’s just the beginning. With our unique Workflow Automation Engine, you can take full control of your content management processes and customize them to fit your specific business needs.


Why use Feith?

Unified platform

Feith provides a unified platform for all your content management needs. This makes it easy to store, find, and use your content. Feith can help you improve your content management process by making it more efficient and effective. Additionally, it can help you save time and money by reducing the need for duplicate content.  This leads to  increased productivity and efficiency for your business.

Centralized Repository

Feith provides a central repository for your content. This helps you reduce the risk of data loss by having a single point of storage for all your content, and makes it easier to comply with  regulations that require content to be stored in a certain way.

Process Automation

Feith’s integrated workflow tool, Workflow iQ, will help you automate tasks that previously required manual effort. This leads to increased efficiency for your business, as well as create structure around routine operations.  Workflow iQ can also help you track the progress of your workflows, and ensure that they are being followed correctly.


Feith is a flexible platform that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.  With low-code tools, repositories, interfaces, and processes can all be fine-tuned to your organization. This  makes Feith an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes. 

Improved Collaboration

Feith Content services can help you improve collaboration by allowing you to share and work on your content with others. With Work-from-home becoming the new normal,  this is more important than ever.

Increased Security

Feith Content services can help you increase security by providing Role-Based and Attribute-based access controls, so you can manage who can access and use your content.  

Intuitive Interface

Feith has an intuitive interface that makes it easy to use. Additionally, it is built on the latest web technologies, so you can be sure that it is always up-to-date.


Access to content wherever and whenever you need it.
Collaboration Tools

Our collaboration tools give you all the capabilities you need to work together on documents, projects, and tasks in real-time, whether you’re in the same office or across the globe.

Full-Text Search

Feith’s powerful Search Module lets you quickly and easily find the information you need, when you need it.

Connect Systems

Seamlessly integrated with your existing, critical, and line-of-business systems, Feith simplifies and automates both critical and routine decision-making, maximizing the value of your existing investments.

Create Documents Fast

Automatically generate contracts, proposals, or other documents from customer data with pre-populated fields using Feith’s Reports iQ – no more hunting for the right template or worrying about misalignment’s.

Categorize Documents

Feith’s Auto-Categorizer can automate the categorization of essential and non-essential records using a document’s metadata, full-text, and business rules. 

Route Documents for Approval

The Feith platform manages content of any type throughout the breadth of your organization with miraculous ease, automating and streamlining your business processes.

Keep Content Secure

Our comprehensive security features allow you to control who can see and do what with your content down to the individual user level. Access can be further controlled by user roles.

Audit users, time, and actions

At every step, Feith ensures a detailed, complete, and secure audit trail – a log of all user and system activities within RMA iQ. All record changes, deletions, tasks, redactions, and workflows in Feith are provably auditable.

Make your content work for you with Enterprise Content Management from Feith.

Whether you need to manage records for compliance purposes or share engineering drawings across departments, Feith has a solution that will work for you. We’ve been providing ECM solutions to businesses like yours for over 30 years.

The Feith Platform is the most complete, integrated, and user-friendly ECM solution on the market today. Make your content work for you with Enterprise Content Management from Feith.

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Feith ECM Tools

The Feith Platform is built on a robust, scalable, and extensible architecture that can be easily customized to fit the specific needs of your organization. We offer a wide range of out-of-the-box applications and modules that can be quickly deployed to get you up and running quickly and easily. And our team of expert developers can create custom applications and integrations to fit your specific needs.

Top 10 Benefits of the Feith Platform for Enterprise Content Services

↳  Improved content management: Content services can help you improve your content management process by making it more efficient and effective.

↳  Reduced risk of data loss: Content services can help you reduce the risk of data loss by providing a central repository for your content.

↳  Improved collaboration: Content services can help you improve collaboration by allowing you to share and work on your content with others.

↳  Increased security: Content services can help you increase security by providing control over who can access and use your content.

↳  Greater flexibility: Content services can help you increase the flexibility of your content management process by allowing you to customize it to meet your specific needs.

↳  Improved scalability: Content services can help you improve the scalability of your content management process by allowing you to easily add or remove users as needed.

↳  Lower costs: Content services can help you lower the costs associated with your content management process by eliminating the need for paper documents.

↳  Increased efficiency: Content services can help you increase the efficiency of your content management process by automating many of the tasks involved.

↳  Improved accuracy: Content services can help you improve the accuracy of your content by providing a central repository for it.

↳  Better compliance: Content services can help you improve compliance with regulations by providing a central repository for your content.