CITIES Mission Cases

Modular tools for transformational IT

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Transforming the way missions are tracked

Feith CITIES (Case Information Tracking, Investigation & Evidence Systems) is engineered to transform the way agencies perform critical mission Case Management and investigatory functions, in a secure and Low-Code Web-based system. 

Safeguarding our nation and citizens requires rapid information-sharing and enterprise-grade process management, in a system built for sensitive workloads.

↳ Timely & accurate access to cases

↳ Sole source of truth for investigations

↳ DoD 5015.02-grade auditing

↳ Workflows agile to changes in the world

↳ An IL-6 ready architecture

↳ Robust review & approval functionality

↳ Advanced query search & OCR


Human Attribute & Relationship Tracking
The ability to track people, record key information about them, and analyze their associated networks and relationships is central to most investigations.
CITIES is built for n-level deep relationship analysis – whether tracking human relationships, ownership (e.g. a subject owns a vehicle), geographical informational, and group membership.

Relationships in CITIES are configurable links between entities in the system, allowing users to track and analyze structured or unstructured information about a person or group of people. 

These associations can be discussed in a secure Case Discussion module, mapped in geographical dashboards, and much more.  CITIES also provides a way to store critical PII and CUI like demographic information, DOB, place of birth, geographic location, license plate, and any other descriptors.  As a Low-Code system, this attribute information is entirely configurable by you.


Manage investigative or intelligence activities

For agencies primarily tracking cases in paper-based or legacy-based processes, the CITIES platform provides a sea change in productivity and agility.


CITIES is built on 40-years of forward-thinking technology, designed for strong integration and interoperability between major federal systems and processes. With a full suite of APIs, CITIES is extremely extensible to solve the hardest agency technology problems.

This includes integrating Case Data to third-party artificial intelligence tools, analytics frameworks, as well as Feith’s full suite of Dashboard and Reporting tools, and integrations with operational solutions like HR or Accounting.

Federally Compliant

Underlying the CITIES system is Feith’s DoD 5015.02 certified for classified Records Management system.  

All activity, tasks, cases, workflows, and records in CITIES are provably auditable in a secure repository, with built-in functionality for NARA UERM-compliant recordkeeping, disposition and accession.

The system supports the upload and maintenance of the agency record schedule, with control of access and data retention based on the information classification, and its relevance to ongoing investigations.

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Supporting Operations

By integrating investigation workflows with administrative processes, CITIES can not only improve the way your agency conducts investigations, but also the way you support the administrative operation of investigations or intelligence gathering activities.
This seamlessness between administrative processes and mission workflows is designed to ensure transparency, compliance, security, and employee accountability for your agency, by breaking down traditional siloes. Completely integrated with the Feith Task Management system, CITIES provides a convenient place for agency leadership to task personnel, whether the task is mission or operational.

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A change of perspective

By providing a single underlying technology layer for cases, records, documents, tasks, workflows, forms, and dashboards, CITIES allows agencies to rapidly pivot to meet the evolving demands of our modern world.

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Bring transformational change to your agency. Beat disruption.
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Enterprise-grade and made in America, since 1979.

GSA Contract / MAS



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