Industries Solutions

Our platform creates enterprise-level solutions to the hardest industry challenges.

↳ Government

We take pride in being the only government-first vendor in our space, and it is core to our business strategy.

↳ Energy and Nuclear

Feith allows Energy companies to capture essential assets and control them for their entire lifecycle as archive ready records.

↳ Defense and Intelligence

Make intelligent choices and achieve faster results with Feith’s Defense and Intelligence solutions.

↳ Fortune 500

A digitized system for storing and routing documents and information can pioneer the way your company does business

↳ Healthcare

Secure information and meet HIPAA compliance standards with ease rather than search for critical patient information.

↳ Automotive

Feith’s DoD-certified platform provides speed and convenience without sacrificing safety, much like your products.

↳ Financial Services

Manage documents including Checks, Statements, Electronic Forms, Signature Cards, and Loan Documents.

↳ Higher Education

Manage your files across all departments in an organized and user-friendly way.

↳ Legal

Manage litigation data and the legal preservation process with Feith’s legal solutions to save time, money, and energy.

↳ Manufacturing

Optimize business productivity  on the floor, in the warehouse, in the executive wing, or in the back office.

↳ Law Enforcement

Optimize business productivity  on the floor, in the warehouse, in the executive wing, or in the back office.

↳ Insurance Services

Feith’s solution gives insurance companies and TPAs the ability to optimize business productivity.

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Enterprise-grade and made in America, since 1979.

GSA Contract / MAS



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