Higher Education

Modular tools for transformational IT

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Modernize your campus with StudentDocs

A digitalized, efficient system for storing and routing your documents and information can help remake the way your school does business. Whether you’re a small, mid-sized, or large institution, Feith’s customizable software solution will allow you to manage your files across all departments in an organized and user-friendly way.
↳ Process Efficiency

StudentDocs includes Feith’s market leading workflow engine, to help you efficiently process documents.

↳ Share Documents & Forms

StudentDocs allows users to safely and easily share information both internally and externally.

↳ Increase Compliance

StudentDocs comes out-of-the-box with the tools necessary to stay in compliance with rules, regulations, and privacy policies.

Universities have a lot of documents and forms which keep things moving, forms are the lifeblood of your operations. At times, you’ve probably felt overwhelmed with all this paperwork and wondered if there’s a better way to manage everything. How can you stop drowning in your data?

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Benefits of using Feith
Feith’s Document Management System makes Universities more efficient.

↳  Stand out among other universities. With more efficient processes, you’ll be able to meet the increasing demands of students.

↳  Reduce paperwork. Your students will be proud to attend a University that is environmentally friendly, reducing excess paper waste.

↳  Meet record retention requirements. Ensure your employees are adhering to retention regulations.

↳  Improve customer service. Improve transparency with applicants, so they never feel like they’re left in the dark.

↳  Better communication with alumni. Service their needs more efficiently whether they are requesting transcripts, application forms, ancillary class rosters etc.

↳  Automate grant writing processes. Shorten time-consuming paperwork processes

Manage Forms for Any Department

↳ Admissions: Applications, acceptance letters, high school transcripts, college transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation

↳ Registrar’s Office:  Store advisement sheets, enrollment verification requests, drop/add, withdrawal, graduation, name-change, registration cards

↳ Financial: Accounts payable, accounts receivable, order entry, verification, tax returns, waivers, award letters

↳ Health Services: Immunizations, accident reports, personal history, correspondence, correspondences, emergency contacts, physician reports

↳ Facilities: Engineering drawings, building maintenance information, connectivity, campus grounds (trees, ponds, walkways)

↳ Development Office: Alumni press clippings, marketing pieces, gift letters

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Empower Your End-Users

/Store and share documents

/Automate Emails

/Alert notifications and reminders

/Quick text search

/Set security parameters

/Simplify with eForms

/Annotate documents

/Organize files

/Web based dashboard tools

/View insights from disparate data sources