Feith Software on AWS

Modular tools for transformational IT


Your Virtual Private Cloud

We’ve partnered with Amazon Web Services to provide our popular platform entirely in a hardened Cloud SaaS environment complete with sturdy web and client-server facilities on which to capture, manage, and deliver your company’s critical information.

Easy Cloud

It is easy to launch your next system in the cloud, whether you are already a Feith customer, or are new to Feith and looking to implement a Records Management system.

If you are considering a move to the cloud to increase the efficiency of your internal processes, and shorten your disaster recovery timeline, call Feith today.


The Feith Team is familiar with working on the requirements of the Authority to Operate (ATO) process. Our experience with DoD and the Intelligence community demonstrates that we can reduce years of technical debt for the agency by securing ATO quickly.

Please reach out to a Feith Account Manager for Federal Cloud information.


Feith on AWS Cloud

One-Source Solutions

By implementing Feith for SaaS, you no longer need to install software on site, patch, or update applications, purchase or support hardware, or perform nightly backups.


Feith’s SaaS offering is able to quickly integrate with any Web, GUI or character-based application.


You have no need to hire DBAs, staff, or help desk personnel to manage your system because Feith integrates and monitors your applications for you.

Content Accessibility

You can store and retrieve any object using indexing values generated by other SaaS-hosted applications.

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Feith on AWS GovCloud

With Feith on AWS, your agency can start quickly with enterprise-grade infrastructure, while reducing the overhead of hardware procurement, maintenance, backups, updates, and minimizing the cost of in-house IT resources.

By leveraging AWS scalable storage and computing power, systems grow to meet emerging challenges. Launch a Feith instance in minutes, and scale to meet the needs of your agency. Whether your team has a high-priority, short deadline project, or is just looking to pilot a Feith solution such as FOIA, Case or Task Manager, AWS is a great choice.

Feith partners with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide our software in GovCloud, Amazon’s network for the US Government. GovCloud is a secure computing platform that provides access to US organizations, and where systems are completely single tenant. This allows agencies to move workloads into the cloud and to adhere to growing compliance measures. Feith works closely with agencies to make sure each GovCloud instance addresses all requirements, and introducing and leveraging cloud efficiencies.

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Avoid the hassle of Maintaining IT Infrastructure

With scalable storage, computing power, and pay-as-you-go services, Feith Cloud saves you the time and money associated with managing an on-site system.

Keep business moving

In addition to the versatility and cost benefits of the cloud, Feith on AWS provides advantages for continuity of operations and disaster recovery.

It is essential to ensure your organization can fulfill its mission under a broad range of circumstances, including wartime and during disasters. To continue fulfilling your responsibilities to stakeholders, AWS provides dramatic COOP benefits, including failover, automatic backup, and more.

How it works

Feith’s Cloud Formation Template (CFT) is a recipe for building a Feith system: what infrastructure to setup, the SQL database, Linux machines and more.

Amazon uses this recipe to automatically configure and launch a Feith instance at the click of the button. 

The CFT creates the Oracle RDS database, generates a RedHat Linux machine from an AMI and installs all of the necessary software. After a short time, it’s ready to go.