File Sharing

Modular tools for transformational IT

Sharing doesn’t have to be dangerous

File Sharing in your private cloud

Employees are going to share files. That’s true whether we like it or not. From USB drives, to public file sharing services, organizations are discovering that their proprietary data is escaping into the wild.

Management’s response to sharing has typically been to try to lock the behavior down, but it isn’t working. The productivity benefit of sharing files is too tempting. 

We can’t stop it. By burying the problem rather than addressing it, organizations are risking security breaches and data loss on a grand scale, as more and more of their data leaks out of their control.

FeithDrive provides Enterprise-class file sharing combined with DoD-certified Records Management.

With FeithDrive your employees get the major productivity boost of a file sharing service, but with the strictest security, activity auditing, advanced permissions, records management and more, that your organization needs to stay safe.

The power of FeithDrive over other offerings lies in its security and in its integration with other applications. And your content is available to you or your team virtually anywhere with access from your mobile-friendly, browser-based FeithDrive application, or the mobile application for Android devices, or directly from the FeithDrive filecabinet.


FeithDrive for integrated content services

Integrated PDF Signing

Synchronize with programs like Adobe Acrobat to Sign PDF documents.

Integrated Dashboards

Use Feith’s Dashboards to monitor and evaluate performance across applications.

Version Control

Every action taken on a document in FeithDrive will produce a new “version” of the document.

Full-Text Search

Search for sentences, groups of words, words, or simply a character or two and let FeithDrive gather the results.

Process with Workflows

FeithDrive gives users the ability to insert content directly into automated workflows.

Modify from the Browser

Use FeithDrive from any device or from any location with an Internet connection.

Manage as a Record

Documents in FeithDrive can be managed as records.  Upload retention schedules and set disposition dates.

Audit Control of Files

All items in FeithDrive have complete audit trails.   The system records every action taken.

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Security First

Feith is a security-first filesharing solution that allows users to share files without having to worry about the safety of their data. Feith uses end-to-end encryption to ensure that only the intended recipient can access the shared files, and also offers a host of other security features, such as user authentication and permission controls.

Connect the enterprise

Only FeithDrive gives you the advantage of submitting your content into a workflow, integrating it into dashboards, allowing it to be records managed, and more, with seamless platform integration, on a DoD-certified platform.

Pick Feith for file sharing

Stop risking data loss and security breaches — with FeithDrive, you can have the best of both worlds. Give your employees the productivity boost of filesharing, without sacrificing security and compliance.